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Milk Bag Mats

Monday, January 01, 2024 - Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Guardian Angels Parish Hall

Milk bag mats showing hands weaving a mat from plastic milk bags

Since 2008, a community of volunteers, schools , churches, community groups and businesses across Canada have been involved in the MILKBAGS unlimited project.

In some parts of Canada milk is sold in colorful bags that hold 3 smaller bags. Those outer bags are made of a specially strong, colouful, non-biodegradable plastic that is UV resistant. It is washable and lasts in the sun. Bugs and snakes avoid it and it doesn’t retain moisture.

When this plastic is woven it becomes a very soft and comfortable sleeping mat that has an unlimited lifespan. Our volunteers weave mats of assorted sizes, from baby to tall adult.

In collaboration with other charitable organizations we send mats of different sizes to over 40 countries and to Canadian organizations that cater to homeless people.

We Have Sent 60,621 Mats Around The World. About 35 Million Bags Repurposed.

Milk Bags Unlimited Logo

Milk Bag Mats showing milk bags ready for weaving

Milk Bag Mats -Empty bags and completed matMilk Bags being woven into matsMilk Bags being woven into mats
