Lord Teach us to Pray showing hands reaching to a cross in a sunset sky

Faith Formation Presents “Lord, Teach us to Pray”

Pope Francis tells us “prayer opens the door to hope”.

We are living in a post Christian world where we can easily lose our way. Yet prayer leads to perfect communion to God and empowers us for the journey. Prayer gives us hope. We are not alone. Christ is with us and in us.

Come join us Tuesday nights starting September 17th at 7 pm at Guardian Church Hall for a series of talks and videos on various aspects of prayer: mental prayer, contemplative prayer, adoration, novenas, the Mass as prayer and so many more.

A wonderful way to prepare for the Jubilee Year of Hope in 2025.

Click here to download a guide: Living the Year of Prayer in Preparation for Jubilee 2025

This 8 part series starts Tuesday September 17th at 7pm in the Guardian Angels Church Hall

Refreshments provided

Please call Anne 705-238-2663 for more information