Life Chain Sunday October 6 2024, Joint thousands across Canada standing against abortion in a peaceful, prayerful demonstration. Abortion Kills children.

Life Chain 2024 - Sunday October 6th - Tudhope Park 1:45pm

Join us Sunday October 6th  2 - 3pm at Tudhope Park. Atherley Rd and Hwy 12
Please arrive a bit early ~1:45 to get a sign. Feel free to bring a chair.

Come and Stand for Life. Life is sacred from conception to natural death

It is our responsibility as people of faith to bear witness to the sanctity of human life, and to support those that have been affected by abortion.
Most Reverend Donald Bolen, Archbishop of Regina

Life Chains form in cities every year nationwide to make a public, prayerful, peaceful Stand for Life

This year in Canada there will be well over 320 life chains across the country

Call Anne 705-238-2663 for more information

Orillia Life Chain 40 participants posing in a parking lot with Anti-abortion signs

Please try to come a little early to get your sign! 
(welcome to bring a chair)