Preparing for Lent

Preparing for Lent Series

Tuesdays 7pm in the Guardian Angels Church Hall and on ZOOM

February 11 to February 25th 

Lent is the yearly opportunity to go deeper with God, a time for special prayer and reflection to prepare for the greatest events of our faith at Easter. Often we only think about what to do for Lent on Ash Wednesday!

This series will help you in your journey and your preparation for Lent. Themes about Mary, pilgrimage, your relationship with Christ and how to do Lent well. 

Tuesday February 11th  Video: Warriors to Lourdes
Warriors to Lourdes - A video produced by the Knights of Columbus
This  film highlights the transformative experience of the annual Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage for wounded, ill and injured veterans seeking physical and spiritual healing. 

Tuesday February 18th  Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Come listen to parishioners share their amazing trip to Medjugorje

Tuesday February 25th  Video: How to Lent
Don’t let Lent sneak up on you like it did last year. Instead, heed the call of St. John the Baptist by preparing for the Lord, using How to Lent to transform your spiritual life this Lenten season

Tuesdays 7pm in the Guardian Angel Church Hall and on ZOOM

February 11 to February 25th 

For more information email or call 705-238-2663